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RASSP Virtual Prototyping Application Note

1.0 Executive Summary

Efficient design of complex systems requires modeling at multiple abstraction levels. This RASSP application note describes virtual-prototyping and how to use it within a rapid-prototyping environment. An example abstract-level virtual-prototype is examined. The prototype is produced as a natural extension of the token-based performance model. It represents the next logical step in the top-down design process and exemplifies techniques for seamless transition of design information in the flow-down process. The described rapid-prototyping methods were developed to permit earlier validation and more rapid product evolution. The virtual-prototyping techniques were developed on the RASSP project and have demonstrated simulation speed improvements orders of magnitude over earlier methods.

This application note should be read by system architects, software designers who are responsible for validating software partitions among multiple computer nodes, and hardware designers who are responsible for designing system network configurations and components. The basic concepts can be applied to other systems and other levels of abstraction.

RASSP application notes augment course modules and case studies about digital system design. The material is applicable to the design of complex systems such as digital signal processing (DSP) systems and other multiprocessor systems. The application notes serve to document the design methods that were developed on the RASSP program. This application note describes the purposes and methods for virtual-prototyping

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Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Dennis Basara